Winter Weather Preparedness Tips for the Greater Pearland Area

Chilly days ahead! As we brace for freezing temperatures until Wednesday, January 17th, let's prioritize staying warm and safe. Take precautions to safeguard your home and keep your loved ones protected during this Arctic front.


The City of Pearland has shared the following precautionary tips:

Prepare your home for Winter Weather: Your home should be prepared to keep cold out.

  • Make sure insulation is in good condition

  • Protect exposed pipes

  • Seal gaps around doors with weather stripping.
  • Know where the water cut off valve is to your home.
  • Chimneys should be cleaned
  • Install fire draft stoppers if not using the fireplace.
  • Ensure carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working – these can be lifesaving when using portable heat sources.
  • Consider purchasing a generator that fits your household needs and know how to operate it safely.
  • Prepare an Emergency Kit
  • Although it is best to shelter in place, have portable kits ready in case you need to relocate for safety or comfort

Prepare your Vehicle for Winter Weather: Travel should be minimized in Winter Weather however, should you need to travel

  • Ensure your vehicle is serviced and prepared to handle freezing temperatures in case of emergency.
  • Keep gas near full to avoid ice in the tank or fuel lines.
  • Have sand or kitty litter on hand for traction.
  • Vehicle Emergency Kit should also be prepared.


Prepare your Family for Winter Weather:

  • Make sure loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing is on hand for your family. Layering will serve as best protection from the cold.
  • Know the signs of Hypothermia.
  • Be sure you keep a 7-10 day supply of medications on hand and have a back-up power plan for family members who use medical devices such as CPAP or oxygen concentrators.
  • Pets are family too! Have a plan for pets and livestock. Plan to bring pets indoors (even if just into the garage) and have food, medication, and other necessities ready.

During Winter Weather:

  • Even if you have prepared your home prior to Winter Weather, there are more ways to keep your home warm, especially if power or heat are lost for extended periods of time.

  • Close off unneeded rooms and stuff cracks with towels or rags.
  • Close blinds and hang sheets or blankets on windows to trap heat.
  • Continue to eat and drink! While the cold may cause loss of appetite, your body needs food to continue producing body heat and water (or other non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic beverages) to prevent dehydration.
  • Make plans to stay with family or friends, in case you need to relocate for safety or comfort during a prolonged power outage.
  • f you must travel during Winter Weather, communicate your route and expected arrival time to a trusted party who can call for rescue if needed.


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