Manvel High School Graduation Information!

Class of 2023, it’s almost your time to shine, with graduation only a few weeks away!!


The following graduation information is from MHS



Graduation Practice will be on Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 8:30 AM location to TBA.   All graduates must attend practice to walk. If your graduate is not present for practice, they will not walk at graduation.  Please turn in all textbooks and ensure your senior is not on the fine list before practice.  If any books or fines are owed, your graduate will be pulled from Graduation Practice and will not be allowed to walk until it has been paid.  Please direct them to bring any fine list receipts or textbook receipts to practice so that they may clear their name more quickly. Dress code for practice is normal AISD dress code. Graduates do not have to bring their cap and gown to graduation practice. Graduates will receive their TEN tickets for graduation at this practice. You will not be able to pick up your tickets for graduation any other way. 



Graduates must report to Alumni Hall between 6:00 PM and 6:30 PM. Graduates may drive themselves or be dropped off in front of Alumni Hall at Freedom Field. All graduates must be dressed according to the dress code below to be permitted to participate in the ceremony.  Graduates will carry in their cap and gown and put it on once they have been checked for dress code. Once they have checked in, graduates will receive a gallon sized zip lock bag to put their belongings in, such as: keys, phone, wallet. No other bags or purses will be allowed. This is a long day! Please be sure your graduate eats before they arrive.



Gentlemen are expected to dress as follows: Wear a school-appropriate, collared shirt (maybe short-sleeved), and black or brown dress trousers or slacks. Wear regular dark-colored dress shoes or boots ( black or brown; no tennis or casual shoes.) Facial hair and piercings must be within the limits of the AISD Dress Code. Ladies are expected to dress as follows: Wear a dress with a straight skirt that is of a color that does not show through nor extend below the gown, or adhere to the gentlemen's dress code above. Wear dress shoes or flat sandals. High heels are NOT permitted due to the turf on the field. Wedges are permissible. Note: Jeans or denim material is not permitted.


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