Things to do at Home
There has probably never been a time in recent memory where Houstonians have been spending so much time at home. This underscores the need for a home that fits your family perfectly. Right now, Perry Homes has a sales office and is open daily in Del Bello Lakes to help you find that perfect home. Shea Homes is open by appointment to help you find your dream home in Del Bello Lakes and you can check out Westin Homes and Ashton Woods online to see their award-winning designs which will soon be available in Del Bello Lakes. Go to www.delbellolakes.com/builders for information on how to contact each builder.
If you are looking for ideas on quality family time, here are a few suggestions:
- Catch up on your family scrapbook
- Play charades
- Learn yoga
- Read a book
- Do a puzzle
- Host a karaoke night with friends over zoom
- Film a cooking show
- Play a board game
- Have a themed movie night
- Have an indoor scavenger hunt
- Have an indoor picnic
- Have a costume night and post pics on social media to share with friends - have them "vote" for the winner
Most importantly, take care of yourself and your family and stay safe.